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Advantages and Disadvantages of Multiplayer Online Games

Online gaming nowadays is indeed very popular especially to the youth of today’s generation. Thousands of online games are now wide spread at the circles of the World Wide Web. An online game only requires a computer network, which is the internet, through a personal computer or a video game console that can be linked into other players on the web.

Accelerate Your Way Through Online Car Games

Screeching tyres, breakneck speed, honking of horns, crisscrossing across the roads in a bid to win the race; all this seems to be as real as if you were actually driving the car. Yet it is only an online car game that you are playing. These car games online are not only addictive they give the player a rush of adrenaline which he rarely gets to experience in real life.

SWTOR Healer Class: Is It for You?

The healer class is probably the most underplayed class in any MMO because of what it offers. It can be however, the best and most in depth class offered. Being different from other MMO’s, the SWTOR Healer is built more complex and rounded than other Healers.

SWTOR Bounty Hunter Armor Explained

When playing with the Bounty Hunter Class, we find that we can choose from (3) three types of bounty hunter armor. You can choose between Crafted Bounty Hunter Armor, Pre-CU Looted Armor, and Post-CU Amor. Depending on your build will determine what kind of armor you want. Let’s look at this in more depth.

The SWTOR Character Creation Guide

When creating a new character in the Old Republic, The Swtor Character Creation screen is what we are introduced to. There are a wide range of options and sometimes tend to overwhelm the player if they are not sure about what they want. Do you want to play as the good guys or the bad guys? While attempting to decide, remember that the character that you decide to build is going to be where you spend most of your time, so choose wisely.

The SWTOR Trooper: Read Wisely

The SWTOR Trooper, being aligned with the Galactic Republic begins his or her journey on the planet of Ord Mantell. Because of the nature of this class, we find that the Trooper uses heavy weapons which consist of anything from rifles to two-handed cannons. Of course, the SWTOR Trooper needs an energy source; Bioware has assigned the Trooper what is known as Ammo.

Five Tips For More XP And Coins For FarmVille 2

This article talks about five tips that I came up with from playing FarmVille 2. I learned this from experience and some research. These tips should help you get the most out of the game and should keep you addicted, but not enough to take you away from your real life.

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